Generally it gives the meainging of rules and regulaitons.
It is also a common languages.
Such rules and regulations which have to follow by all the computers of network to establish.
Communication among them.
1.      TCP/iP( Transmission control protocol or internet protocol)
2.      DLC( date link control)
3.      Apple talk
4.      Net BEUI ( net bios extended user interface)
5.      IPX/SPX ( internet work packet exchange or sequential packet exchange)
6.      POP (post office protocol)
7.      IMAP( internet message access protocol)
8.      SMTP( simple mail transfer protocol)
9.      HTTP ( hyper text transfer protocol)
10.  FTP( file transfer protocol)
1.      TCp/iP: Most common protocol (maximum used ) also called native protocol of internet.
Developed by ARPANET (advanced research project agency network)
It has two versions:
Version 4 (v4)
Versions 6 (v6)
a)      Versions 4 : It consists 4 parts and each parts are separated by the dot. Eg.  _    .   _      .          _      .         _
Each part used o to 256 only, but first and last part doesnot used o to 255.
Eg. 200. 16. 24. 96
Each part is of 8 bits, so a TCP/iP is of 8*4 = 32 bits.
Frachtons and negative number are not used.
A-    1-126
B -128-191
D- 223-239
E – 240-255.
Notes: 127 is reserved for loopback address, so it can't used to assign.
