Report on operating system

Introduction of operating system

An operating system is the collection of the system software which helps to manage the computer resources and also acts as an interface between user and computer hardware. The computer resources ma be I/O devices, memory, processor, storage, data instructions, programs etc.

It helps to make platform for the execution of application software as well as other different software, such as utilities, system utilities, language translator etc. without operating system we cannot operate computer. Its just like a dull machine.

Hence operating system is the link between computer hardware and user.
Examples: MS-DOS, RC-DOS, Unix: CUI based OS
                   MS- Windows, MAC-OS, LINUX, Sun Solaris: GUI based OS

Organization of OS


Introduction of Interface

An interface is a platform between computer hardware and user. It defines means of communication between computer and user. Moreover it also provides space for the execution of the application software. On the other hand an interface is also known as the common rules between computer and user. That mans how computer is operated by using user. Mainly there are two types of the interface or operating system on the basis of the user interface:

CUI (Command line user interface)

           In CUI based operating system, user can interact between computer by using character based commands. User should know almost all the command to interact with the computer. it is difficult to remember all the commands to the normal user so it is also taken as less user friendly. It is not so much popular in the computer world like GUI. But, CUI also has an advantage that it can take very less amount of the memory and it executes faster.
As for example: DIR command is used to view all files directions in specific locations. form the same purpose in UNIX or Linux we can use LS command
Examples: UNIX, MS- DOS, PC-DOS etc.

GUI (Graphic user interface)

          In CUI based operating system, user can interact with the computer by using the graphical components like icons, menu, toolbar, textbox, scrollbar, desktop, window etc.
          User can excess these graphical components by using pointing device. Moreover it also provides features just like click, double click, minimize, maximize, restore, close, drag and drop etc. GUI based operating system is more user friendly because it is very easy to use such type of operating system. so, it is also more popular than CUI based operating system.
             We had a wide variation of the application software called GUI environment. It has an disadvantage that GUI based operating system requires more memory so it executes slower than that of the CUI.


The factions of the operating systems are discussed below:

1.    Process management

2.    I/O management
3.    memory management
4.    storage management

5.    Virtual memory management

6.    File and directory
7.    Back up and recovery
8.    Security
9.    command interpretation
10. Interrupt handling
11. Scheduling
12. Spooling and buffering

Their descriptions are given bellow:

1.    Process management

The part of the program which is currently locating in the operating system. there are three states of processing they are:
Ø  Ready state: ready to process
Ø  Running state: processing
Ø  Blocking state
Well there are other two states also but they don’t have so much value like above the those remaining are:
Ø  end state: not processing
Ø  waiting state: waiting for processing
2.    I/O management
The problem with input and output is that different I/O device has different characteristics, and run at different speeds. The I/O devices are very slow devices and the co-ordination of it between computer and I/O is called spooling. It is used for the management of the I/O devices. it is a traditional approach. This technique uses hard disk hence it is slower.
             Where as buffering is a technique to manage the buffer area inside ram which contains currently incoming and outgoing data  it executes faster and it is also known as the modern technique.
3.    memory management
Most computers nowadays are capable of holding several programs in the memory simultaneously so that a user can switch from one application to another. in order to execute any instructions and programs it requires certain space which is managed by the operating system and this management is called the memory management. Its main work is allocation and de-allocation of memory.

4.    storage management
it helps to provide space or manage the area in the storage devices for storing the application for the future reference.
          It acts like, as if it helped for backup and recovery.

5.    Virtual memory management

Virtual memory is a technique for making a computer appears to have more memory than it actually has. by holding process in a special area on disk and only loading small portions of a processes and when they are needed, swapping them out which is in the turn of the next process to have processor time, many process can effectively share the same memory space.
          RAM executes the programs more than its size so it uses hard disk and the process of using hard disk when required by the process of paging and swapping is called virtual memory there are two terms in the virtual memory they are:
Ø  Paging: It is the process of slicing the big programs in small swamps.
Ø  Swapping: it is the process of interchanging the pages from RAM to hard disk and vice versa called swapping.
6.    File and directory management
A table is used for the management of the files which is called the file management.


            It helps for allocating the space in the storage devices to hold stored and to de-allocate space is usually divided into fixed sized locations units of say 510 or 1024 bytes. it also helped for making the C, D, E, F, G, drivers

7.    Backup and recovery
An operating system helps for keeping the back up and recovery. Permanently stored data in the computer for the future reference is called back up. If sometime while using the application if it gets ceased by the virus or any thing it helps to re install the application by keeping the folder of the application permanently in the computer in a specific area.
         Thus we can say that operating system helps for the backup and recovery.
8.    Security management
When a computer contains the number of items of software, accessing various stores of information, this must be protected from each other.
          Protection is generally files or applications of same size or same name should be separated. And this separation is also done by the operating system. While installing the operating system some of the free anti virus application are also installed, which helps to protect the computer from the viruses and other important thing is that, it helps to put password for the safety of the computer or for the miss use of the computer by an unknown user.
9.    command interpretation
The special program inside the operating system which helps for converging or we can say that which helps for making the computer easier to use to those who have the habit to use the cui based operating system. It is just a program which helps to understand the commands for using the compute.
10. Interrupt handling
Interrupt handling is the exceptional process during sifting from one job to another. There are two types of the interruption they are:
Ø  Hardware level interruption: the interruption in the hardware is called hardware level interruption. For example: alt+ctrl+del
Ø  Software level interruption: the interruption in the software is called software level interruption
11. Scheduling
The job management routine of the operating system is called scheduling. It helps for management of the jobs and it also does the job scheduling as per the user suggestion and then the computer starts to schedule the jobs as per the priority of the job. the job which is more important it is in the first list and those jobs which are not so much important they are schedules at last for the processing.
12. Spooling and buffering
The operating system does the process of spooling and buffering. their descriptions are:
Ø  Spooling: The I/O devices are very slow devices and the co-ordination of it between computer and I/O is called spooling. It is used for the management of the I/O devices. it is a traditional approach. This technique uses hard disk hence it is slower.
Ø   Buffering: Where as buffering is a technique to manage the buffer area inside ram which contains currently incoming and outgoing data  it executes faster and it is also known as the modern technique

Types of operating system

We can categories the operating system in two different categories they are:
Ø  On the basis of the operational mode
Ø  On the basis of user
Their descriptions are:

v On the basis of the operational mode

On the basis of the operational mode we can classify the operating system into 6 types they are:

1.    Batch processing operating system:

In early days, data and respective programs were composed in a single unit called batch. in other words it is defined as the group of data and program stored in magnetic tape in sequential order.

2.    Multiprogramming /multitasking OS

Context switching is the process of processing or loading a program on RAM at a time and again exchange after finishing in the fractions of seconds or neon seconds.
Example: system 360

3.    Time sharing OS
Processor makes the slice of its time because it is extremely faster and it gives the time for processing as per its size and speed. So while processing many jobs, it helps for the time scheduling. It also has the priority list. it does the multi job processing.
Example: UNIX

4.    Real time OS
The system in which the processor job is predefined and its processing time is very limited.
So it is used in IT scanner, defense system etc. it is said that it gives the output immediately. it makes us fell that no time is required for processing.

5.    Multi processing OS
The operating system in which the multiple processor does the multi processing task in fraction of seconds is called multi processing. It helps us for doing the multiple job in the computer. This type of OS helps for the multiple job processing at a time in a computer with a great efficiency.

6.    Network and distributed OS
The operating system that helps for the network processing or processing the data from the server of the far distance server is called network connection or the local area connection. it helps to see and edit the documents of the server or in other words we can say that it helps for using the storage of viewing the storages of the server or a certain place.

v On the basis of user


DOS  is the best example of the single user. If a system can execute single program in computer system at a tine then it is called single user operating system
          User may be program or person.
If a system can simultaneously execute more than one program at a time then such operating system is called as multi user operating system.
      Examples: UNIX, Linux, MAC-OS etc


         DOS is a short form of disk operating system. DOS is the operating system developed for the disk drivers. In the other words the operating system which on disks is known as disk operating system.
                       For running smoothly the older version of word perfect, Dbase, LOTUS 1-2-3, and even window 3.1we need DOS as a platform or back ground for handling tasks.

Features of DOS

ü  MS-DOS supports various computer languages.
ü  It is a single user based operating system.
ü  It supports both floppy disk and hard disk drivers.
ü  MS-DOS manages files in presence of order.
ü  MS-DOS allows flexible file allocation.
ü  MS-DOS supports pipes 2 and I/O redirection.
ü  MS-DOS can consist with each other operating systems.

Advantages of DOS

1.      it helps to support the various computer languages.
2.      it is easier to give interact by the help of  DOS
3.      It also helps supports both floppy disk and hard disk drivers.
4.      MS-DOS manages files in presence of order which helps us for managing the computer.
5.      MS-DOS allows flexible file allocation which helps for the easy identification of the file when needed.
6.      MS-DOS supports pipes 2 and I/O redirection which helps to have more user friendly.
7.      MS-DOS can consist with each other operating systems that help for the globalization.

Internal commands

External commands

Introduction to windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of proprietary operating systems most commonly used on personal computers. It is the most common family of operating systems for the personal computer, with about 90% of the market share.[6][7][8] Currently, the most widely used version of the Windows family is Windows XP[9], released on October 25, 2001. The newest version is Windows 7 for personal computers and Windows Server 2008 R2 for servers.

Features of windows

ü  It is GUI based operating system
ü  Here we can use graphical components.
ü  It helps to interact with the computer with out giving commands.
ü  It supports all the I/O devices.
ü  It supports multi user and network data processing.

Advantages / disadvantage of windows

ü  It is easier to give inpit and thake output in the windows.
ü  We can use graphical components for interacting with the computer.


v Market summary:

                     As we talk in the global market the 90% of the computer operating system is captured by the windows and rest of there parts are occupied by the operating systems like LINUX, Unix, sun Solaris
1market summary

Introduction to Linux/ UNIX

Ken Thompson wrote B, mainly based on BCPL, which he used to write UNIX, based on his experience in the MULTICS project. B was replaced by C, and UNIX developed into a large, complex family of inter-related operating systems which have been influential in every modern operating system. The Unix-like family is a diverse group of operating systems, with several major sub-categories including System VBSD, and GNU/Linux. The name "UNIX" is a trademark of The Open Group which licenses it for use with any operating system that has been shown to conform to their definitions. "Unix-like" is commonly used to refer to the large set of operating systems which resemble the original UNIX.

Advantages / disadvantages

ü  Unix-like systems run on a wide variety of machine architectures.
ü  They are used heavily for servers in business, as well as workstations in academic and engineering environments
ü  Some Unix variants like HP's HP-UX and IBM's AIX are designed to run only on that vendor's hardware
ü  Free UNIX variants, such as GNU/Linux and BSD, are popular in these areas.
